Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Cardiovascular Disease

The heart is the only part of our body that works persistently before birth to death. It begins to beat by 21-28 days after conception and beats throughout life and is the strongest muscle in the body.

The average heart beats about 100,000 times a day AND 70-80 times a minute. This rate may double during the year or at the time of emotion. With every beat, the heart pumps blood through the blood vessels or the arteries to all parts of the body.

The cardiovascular system

The blood travels from the heart on the left side of the heart and is rich in oxygen. Travels via the arteries of size continuing to fall until it reaches the narrowest arteries capillaries calls in all organs and body parts. Delivering oxygen and nutrients and collecting debris, blood is brought back to the right side of the heart through the veins system progressively magnifying. This is called the circulatory system or the cardiovascular system and is vital for life. The Cardiovascular literally means "cardio" or heart and "vascular" or a system or a network of blood vessels. 

How many people cardiovascular disease affect?

Diseases of the disorders of this system are defined a cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular diseases kill each year 17 million people estimated worldwide. The Most of these are due to heart attacks and strokes.

The consumption of tobacco and smoking remains the biggest risk factor for cardiovascular disease worldwide. It raises the risk of stroke as well.

Story of some cardiovascular diseases patient - 

The Physical inactivity and unhealthy diet that lead to obesity are other important risk factors that increase the various risks to cardiovascular disease.
Types of cardiovascular diseases

coronary artery disease

This is due to the illness or limitation of blood vessels that supply the heart muscle. These blood vessels are called the coronary blood vessels. The Atherosclerosis is the most common cause which happens due to hardening and a limiting of the heart coronary arteries by the formation of plaques and plugs.

The coronary artery disease can be caused due to risk factors such as hypertension, high blood cholesterol, tobacco use, obesity, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, diabetes, advancing age, inherited assignment.

Congenital heart disease

This is due to malformation or abnormal formation of the heart structures at birth. This may be inherited or due to other factors. This includes the holes in the heart, abnormal valves, abnormal heart chambers Etc. It generates the capture of drugs, alcohol, mothers with infections such as rubella or mothers with difficult diets deficient of vital nutrients are at risk of giving birth to babies with congenital heart defects.

Stroke or stroke (CVA)

This is caused when the blood supply to part of the brain is obstructed. This can be caused by blockage or rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. Those at risk include those with hypertension, heart rhythm disorders, high blood cholesterol, tobacco use, diabetes and age of advancement.

congestive heart attack

This is caused when the heart muscles become progressively unable to pump blood in the blood vessels. Those at risk include those with hypertension, heart rhythm disorders, heart attack, obesity Etc.

Peripheral arterial disease or peripheral vascular disease

This will affect the arteries that supply the arms and sides. The risks are similar as those for coronary artery disease.

Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism

In DVT, blood clots are formed in the side strands that cause severe pain and disability. These clots can move, and move to the heart and lungs that lead to dangerous complications. I Risk factors include the surgery along, trauma, obesity, cancers, recent childbirth, oral contraceptive use and hormone replacement therapy Etc.

Rheumatic heart disease

This is caused due to damage of the heart muscle and heart valves from rheumatic fever. This is caused due to infection with streptococcal bacteria.

Other cardiovascular diseases

This includes heart tumors, cancers of the blood vessel or the ballooning (aneurysms) of the blood vessels of the brain, the cardiomyopathy, the heart valve diseases, disorders of the lining of the heart or of the pericarditis, aortic Etc.

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