Thursday, 5 January 2017

Palpitations and tachycardia in pregnancy

A pregnancy that has been supposed to be a blessing for every woman. But, it’s not so easy to go through this phase. She has to take care a lot in order to stay healthy.

To meet the needs of growth and feeding the baby, the blood volume increases the mother 's body during pregnancy. This increased blood flow creating some typical pregnancy symptoms, the most common are a headache, the dreaded hemorrhoids, swelling of hands and feet, generalized fatigue and sometimes also possible palpitations, tachycardia, and even fainting
Know more about Palpitations via Dr. Ritwick Raj Bhuyan 

Is it normal to notice palpitations during pregnancy?

Yes, it is normal. Feel palpitations usual, that is to note that the heart is a thousand per hour or to be out of my chest, especially after making some effort or lying face up being. It is normal to notice palpitations from the first quarter and may become more pronounced in the second.

Despite being normal physiological symptoms among pregnant women, if they occur often or very strong it can be an alarm signal. In this case, you should consult with your doctor, it's who can assess whether they are within normal limits or require some additional test.

Why the heart goes faster during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the body increases blood volume to meet the needs of baby growth and nutrition. The heart must work at full capacity to pump the extra blood. Pump reaches up to 50% more blood than in normal conditions, so it is logical that also increases heart rate, that is, they occur more beats per minute and the heart contract more forcefully. Because of this increased blood flow, some typical discomforts of pregnancy such as palpitations and tachycardia occur.

How can tachycardia avoid during pregnancy?

When palpitations occur, it is best to relax and take a deep breath until they pass. To prevent the occurrence of palpitations are advised not to put on weight too, do moderate exercise, practice relaxation techniques (yoga, for example), sleeping on your side (not face up), getting enough rest, take care of food and lead a quiet life, as far as possible.
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