The panic attack is a condition where a person suddenly feels short periods of intense anxiety, fear, physiological arousal, body tremors and irregular heartbeat and strike without warning. Millions of people suffer from panic attacks that occur suddenly and leave totally shocked and sad person. Panic attacks while sleeping are the worst because they do not allow a person to have a restful sleep.
Causes and Symptoms
Panic attacks occur when the body is at rest. The occurrence of panic attacks while sleeping is the result of extreme stress during the day. Many times, a person can not find a way out of their pain, and as a result, has horrific dreams. It also occurs when a person faces separation anxiety or a change in certain lifestyle due to the loss of a loved one.
The symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of a panic attack regularly. Panic attacks do not harm a person physically, but mentally. The person who goes through a panic attack during sleep can wake to sleep half with a totally terrifying feeling and tremendous anxiety symptoms without any specific reason. Anxiety is often related to stress pain, headache, muscle aches, shoulder pain and back pain, irregular heartbeats and hasty, nausea, vomiting sensation and excessive sweating.
Symptoms of panic attack during the night also vary from person to person. Some people begin to feel that they are about to die, stop breathing and feel they have a fatal disease. Some people suddenly wake up from a deep sleep, with tremendous concern. They can not sleep with the constant fear of recurrent panic attacks that disrupt your sleep pattern and make them vulnerable to insomnia.
Since a person suffering from these attacks is very scared and stressed, is very important to avoid the fear of falling asleep as well as provide proper therapy. Psychotherapy, particularly cognitive behavioral therapy is the best treatment suggested, along with the attempt to maintain mental health. There are certain medications that are prescribed by the doctor according to symptoms. Meditate, listen to music, indulging himself in a fascinating hobby, learn relaxation techniques like yoga and stress management, join a recreation center, spend more time with family and friends in the gym are great relievers that reduce stress.
In many cases, people become afraid to sleep and as a result, begins to suffer from insomnia. In such cases, get rid of insomnia is equally important, as it can lead to stress and eventually to panic attacks and many unpleasant health conditions. Following a healthy diet, light exercise, with small and light dinner, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol are some of the things that a person suffering from panic attacks should practice.
Panic attacks are the main symptoms of a huge upset in the lifestyle that a person needs to know and evade as soon as possible. Keep locked problems itself, it has never helped anyone, talk about their problems and find solutions rather than waiting. Dealing with stress during the day is one of the best ways to get a great night sleep and get rid of panic attacks while sleeping. Be careful!
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